Welcome to Yaya’s Bodywork & Foot Lounge
Just what you've been searching for

Just what you've been searching for
Your custom foot massage begins with our
organic shea sugar scrub and hot towels to warm up your lower legs and feet. Choose from our wide selection of REVIVE essential therapeutic oils to add to our organic shea butter to begin your massage. Depending on your needs, we perform reflexology, joint mobilizations and myofascial release in addition to your massage. You will experience an increased range of motion, circulation and reduced stiffness/pain.
Offered in 60, 75, or 90 minute sessions. Relax and unwind as our therapists relieve your tensions and stresses.
If you have chronic pain, neck/back pain, post-partum pain, or ongoing issues from a motor vehicle accident or other trauma, we can help. By “troubleshooting” your soft tissues, we tailor your “reset” with (John Barnes) MFR, strain counter-strain, muscle energy techniques, reciprocal release and soft tissue mobilization. You will receive self-care homework to help you regain your quality of life at your appointment. Contact Jill to find out if you are a candidate for a reset.
Treat lower abdominal scars from C sections, hysterectomies, bladder suspension surgery, hernia repairs, appendectomies, and cholecystectomies. However any scar, anywhere on the body may negatively affect soft tissue, and your alignment. You see the superficial scar, or the tip of the iceberg. The remainder of the iceberg “below the surface” , is what causes dysfunction, pain, and “feeling stuck” . Your other soft tissues, including deep fascia, organs, ducts, vessels are no longer gliding or moving efficiently. Contact Jill to find out if you are a candidate for scar MFR.
Rock Pointe One; 1212 N Washington; Suite 108; Spokane WA
509-822-1144 Call or text for an appointment